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Mind Control Your Chief

Even tho` this game has been tagged``Mind Control Your Own Boss`` technically this brief haired woman in tasteful garment that sits behind the big desk at the primary office isn`t however your boss and you`re here just for your job interview now. Answer her questions with choosing among trhee different options and attempt to impress her enough so she`d employ you and you may learn more about the office in hunt for fresh buddies, co-workers... and what`s more significant for fresh sexy ladies who you`re able to lure and fuck later! The objective is demonstrable - you have to fuck the boss lady. You will need to do a little bit of office working so pay attention to your duties while waiting for an chance to find out why this game is on the hentai themed site after all.

Make Me Yours!

The style will be used for creating avatars. Choose the avatar you like the most and then copy it using the ``Copy`` button located at the top of the page. Click the Upload button at the bottom of the page to upload your avatar. The avatar will then go on a sexual journey. The avatar`s activation is instantaneous.